Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Khan Academy Fan

I continue to be a Khan Academy fan. His well supported learning/teaching platform provides students with helpful videos and practice exercises. Students may practice a skill again and again, and teachers and parents can use the platform to help support children.

As you can see from the chart above, my students have just started using Khan Academy to practice fifth grade math standards. Most students have completed less than 10% of the practice exercises so far this year. One chid has almost finished fifth grade so he'll likely move ahead to sixth grade.

In addition, Khan provides students with coding exercises and learning. Yesterday I introduced several students to those exercises. They were very excited. 

We're fortunate to have free access to the incredible learning tools that Khan Academy provides. The key is to coach and teach students how to use these tools as one way to support their learning.  Tools like Khan Academy support the fact that "the sky's the limit" when it comes to what's possible in teaching and learning today. 

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